When searching the P-G wireless networks, there are a few options.  Please make sure you device is connected to the correct network to insure the best network experience.

PG: For all P-G owned laptops and desktops. 

  • All student Mac laptops, faculty laptops, and faculty desktop computers using wireless should connect to this network.
  • No login is required.  Because the computer is 'known' to our network, it should connect automagically.
  • If you are prompted for a username and password ...
    • Either the computer is not owned by P-G
    • Or you should contact the Helpdesk™ by clicking "+ New Support Ticket" in the upper right corner of this page.

PG-iPad: For all P-G owned iPads and Apple TVs.

  • All iPads, including faculty iPads, should use this network.
  • All Apple TVs in the classrooms and conference rooms should use this network.
  • All P-G devices should 'know' the password without input from the user.
  • If you are prompted for a username and password ...
    • Contact the Helpdesk™ by clicking "+ New Support Ticket" in the upper right corner of this page.

PG-Guest: For all devices not owned by P-G (cell phones, ipods, personal laptops, etc.)
  • The password for this network is posted around school.  If you do not know it, please ask an Administrator.
  • This password will change periodically; P-G students and Faculty will be informed when it is changed.
  • This network blocks social media and video content to limit the bandwidth usage.

pg_stu / pg_ipad / pg-faculty: Do not use
  • These networks are deprecated and will soon be terminated.
  • Please use one of the other networks listed above.